How is it going?

Are you perhaps wondering how our interviews are going with the researchers? Very well, thank you! At the time of writing, we have booked more that 75 interviews with researchers from all the faculties, MAX IV and the Specialised Centres (USV). Our aim is to interview 80 people, so we are getting close. No one will be upset if we get to talk to more.

We are interviewing doctoral students, postdocs, researchers, associate senior lecturers, senior lecturers and professors. There is an even gender balance, slightly more women than men, and we have many interviews in English with international staff. How have they been selected? Firstly, we asked all the faculties for names and sent invitations to around 100 people. Then, we asked the interviewees for the names of other people they thought may have views that would be valuable for us to hear. The method has proven to be a success factor.

It is clear that the project engages researchers and that they all feel an urge to make proposals for improvements about one thing or another. The EU Commission requires that the researchers’ views are to form the basis for the action plan that is to guide work at Lund University in the coming years. This requirement is completely logical – it is after all researchers who know the principles we have to focus more on in order to be an attractive workplace now and in the future.  

November 11, 2019

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